Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Trying New Things

This week Elle is trying rice cereal. It really wasn't as hard and messy as I thought it would be. She kind of got the idea right away. This kid has always been a good eater. Just like her mommy and daddy.
She is also becoming more and more comfortable on her tummy and lifting her head. Last night she rolled over on her own from her stomach to her back. I caught it on camera today. I love the satisfied smile she gives me after she makes it over.

Fall is Setting In

Well, I think we will be putting all the summer clothes away soon. This week really feels like Fall here in Chicago. I don't know if Elle will need her sun bonnet much longer. We visit the doctor on Thursday for her four month check up. It will be another round of shots. This time I will have the baby Tylenol ready. Last time I left with a warning from the nurse that she might be fussy or develop a fever so I may want to give her Tylenol. She was so happy and smiley when we got home that I decided to pass on the Tylenol. Poor thing, about an hour later she was screaming and crying like I have never heard before.
Next week Joe and I go to our Baptism class at our new parish, St. Mary Immaculate, in Plainfield. After the class we will be able to set the date for the Baptism. I'm hoping to do it in early November when the weather is still decent and we aren't battling snow storms.
(St. Mary Immaculate Church)