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I made some "cosmetic" adjustments to my Mural Mural on the Wall site. All the content is pretty much the same, but I wanted to change the overall look. Take a look at it if you get a chance.
Pre-Sugar Consumption
Post Sugar Consumption
I realize that it's been a while since I've posted anything "crafty." Unfortunately, all of my supplies are sitting in our POD right now. That sounds so sci fi. No, Joe and I are not about to depart for space travel. We've packed up 90% of our home, using PODS (portable on demand storage). For the time being, it's all in storage. When it's time for us to move in, they'll transport the storage unit to our new home. At that point I'll be able to start crafting again (if I don't just go out and buy some replacement supplies in the mean time). Here are some pics of my last two projects that I forgot to post. I found the most adorable patterns for infant shoes. 
I'll have to make a pair a size bigger pretty soon since they just fit at the moment.
Also, I've been making a couple of headbands. Anything to keep all that hair out of the eyes. I like the way the crochet flower looks rather than those neon silk flowers I've seen in a few stores.
It's getting closer..
She's Almost 1! (crooked smile and all)
Elle has discovered the make-up. Well, I guess you could say she discovered it a while ago, but now she can actually get her hands on it. When she was much less mobile, she use to sit in the loft and watch me put my make-up on in the bathroom. She really did watch me. She would sit there with this serious look on her face as if she was trying to figure out what it was I was doing exactly, and then when I would glance over at her that big grin would spread across her face. Oh, Joe I don't think you have any idea what she's got in store. He said I can't even put nail polish on her until she is old enough to ask for it herself. I wonder what his rule will be about make-up. Oh, she'll totally sneak it in her purse and put it on in the bathroom at junior high, Vanessa Huxtable style.
There is probably nothing more agonizingly painful than going through the process of purchasing a home. Sure, you catch that real estate high when you first start looking online. Then you walk through the homes for sale with your realtor, planning where all the furniture will go, and how you would paint the rooms this color or that. I love that part. That part is fun. You're still in fantasy land picturing your lovely little family living in your lovely new home. "Oh yes, let's take it! We'll make an offer." It all comes crashing down when someone tries to mess with your la-di-da plan by starting a bidding war, finding the ghosts that haunt the walls of the house in the form of duct tape covered pipes, or eeek mouse droppings here and there. Ugh...this isn't so fun anymore. Can I get a shot of whatever made me swoon over the prospect of owning a home in the first place?We are currently on chapter two of, "The Joy of Real Estate." We made it through, Chapter 1: The First Time Buyer, and are now in the midst of Chapter 2: Purchasing Your Second House. We skipped the part about listing our current home (which I'm sure is a real treat) and decided to rent it out instead. Fortunately, we found a renter yesterday. (Yeah! phew)Four years ago I signed about a bazillion dotted lines to own our current townhouse, that has served us well. When we were looking for this home we needed something with a backyard for our 130lb beast and well, enough living space to throw a decent party. What do you know, baby girl comes along and our perspective changes. Location has become an issue. Joe goes to work by train everyday now, and has been driving into Naperville (at ungodly hours sometimes) to catch it. Also, growing up in Naperville, our entire social and family life is still there. Not that it's a far drive, but wouldn't it be more convenient to just live there? And schools...nuff said.So, Naperville here we come. That's all I'm really saying at this point, because I'm sure the real estate gods are watching me right now, and without things finalized quite yet they could strike at any moment. Hopefully, soon we will be on Chapter 3: Enjoying Your Home and Not Moving Again for a Very Long Long Time.