Friday, March 27, 2009

Flashback Friday-Spring Break 1999

This year Elle and I are traveling down to Florida for Spring Break. We will visit with my Grandparents, frequent the club for lunch, and see the beach for the first time in Eleanor's life. 10 years ago I went to Florida for Spring Break. The experience was a bit different than it will be this time around. Senior year, Meg and I flew down to Pompano Beach with 3 other girls and stayed at one of their parent's condo. A few days later Joe and two of his friends drove down to meet us not sure where they would end up staying. After their lovely hotel room at the Egret Inn flooded, they crashed with us. Oh the drama. So much happened on that trip. Details and events that I will not go into. But when all was said and done, we had a blast and will forever remember being 18, on our own, partying it up Spring Break style on the beach.

Joe and I hanging out on our balcony. He was 17 and I was 18. Look at that baby face. No, I don't think our child will be Spring Breaking it. (I say crossing my fingers and saying a little prayer)
Megan, Kelly, and I in front of the place we stayed.

At one point Megan couldn't access any money from her bank account. She was left with 2 measly dollars. Of course we had to capture the moment.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happiness is a Swing

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Look Back

"When You Were Born" (My Little Bird by Rouge Wave)

"My First 6 Months" (Cinnamon by The Long Winters)

Everyone tells you that the "new baby" stage goes by so fast. I never doubted that, but when it's through you can't believe it has passed. I studied every gassy smile, finger wrinkle, and fine hair on her head. I told myself I would never forget those moments when she was just about to fall asleep and looked up at me with wide eyes, laid her head on my shoulder, and took deep, restful breathes, and I sang "Under the Bridge," by the Red Hot Chili Peppers because I didn't know any lullabies yet. Sure, she still has creases in her fingers and rests her head on my shoulder, but it's different now. When they are brand new, their body is a part of yours and just folds up inside you. I didn't realize so much time had passed, until I worked on these two videos today. She's not that little squishy, wrinkly baby anymore. I love that she can play "patty-cake" with me now, giggle when the dog sneezes, and call for me if I leave the room, but for some reason, I can't stop watching these videos today.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Pair of Booties and Hat

I made these little items for a friend's new baby girl. I'll be sending them off this week along with a few items of clothing that Elle grew out of before she even wore them. I just couldn't bear to pack away clothes that still have the tags on them.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Eleanor's Baptism Video

Elle took a very long nap this morning, so I had some time to put together the video of her Baptism, using Windows Movie Maker.

I'll Take a Blow Out with my Morning Coffee

People look at me like I'm crazy when I say that I blow dry my baby's hair after her bath (on the low, cool setting of course). But If I don't, she ends up looking like this in the morning. And there ain't no combing that mess.

Round 1: Ch1 *sc, ch3, 3dc, ch3, sc*

I've been working on a few crochet projects lately. The green flower above has been steadily growing, mainly while I drink my coffee, watching the Today show. I plan on stitching it to a circle pillow for Elle's bedroom. I like the idea of these fluffy crochet flowers adorning little pillows and will probably make a few more for her room.

I also finished up this hat for Elle. I found the pattern online here. We still need hats in the springtime, living in Chicago. I made the flower larger than suggested in the pattern, and used a tan, nylon tape.Ew, I hate pictures of myself. Anyway, I've had two balls of this green, wool/nylon yarn laying around for almost 4 years now. I finally decided to make myself a hat with them. I crocheted a simple single stitch, concentric hat, and then added a small brim to the front. I'm not sure if I'm extremely happy with how the brim came out. I'll have to try a different approach next time.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Her Morning Elegance

Okay, just one more video. This is probably one of the most creative videos I've seen in awhile.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Baby Bouncing Music

Eleanor is a pretty happy baby, but when she has a grumpy spell I often find myself going to youtube to play songs that she can bounce to. Here are a few of our latest choices.

Emiliana Torrini-Jungle Drum

Lenka-Knock Knock

Jason Mraz-I'm Yours

Friday, March 6, 2009

9 Months Today

Today I'm 9 months old. There are a lot of things that I can do now that I couldn't do 9 months ago. I can sit up all on my own, but I'm not interested in standing yet. I can sort of hold my bottle, eat Cheerios by the handful, munch on pieces of apples, bananas, and pears, army crawl across the floor to get whatever I want, and wear my hair in pig-tails. But what I really love to do is roll, roll, roll around the room, kick my legs so I rotate like a clock, splash in the bathtub, sing along with the radio in the car, smile and giggle when Mommy picks me up, and give Daddy a enthusiastic welcome when he walks in the door. Boy, these 9 months have been pretty great.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Packing It Away. Sniffle, Sniffle

I've started a bit of "Spring Cleaning" around here. It doesn't feel quite like spring yet, but I'm ready to get re-organized. Before the baby was born, everything had a place and was in it's place. God I miss nesting. I could tackle 5 loads of laundry, paint a bathroom, and make dinner all at once when I was 6 months pregnant. Now, it's not so easy or desirable.

However, I have started in Eleanor's closet. This is the second time I have packed up her clothes that no longer fit. Surprisingly, it's very emotional. I look at the 3-6 month clothes and remember her wearing them, who gave them to her, or picking them out at the store. I feel like I'm packing up memories. But, I haven't rifled through the 0-3 month box of clothes yet, so I know this emotional attachment shall pass as well.

It's amazing. I packed up so many clothes, yet she still has a closet full.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hand-Knit Gift

A friend of ours knit this blanket for Eleanor. It was her first try at a knit project. I love the color, especially with her red hair. I made her a thank you note with a couple photos of Elle with the blanket.