Friday, March 27, 2009

Flashback Friday-Spring Break 1999

This year Elle and I are traveling down to Florida for Spring Break. We will visit with my Grandparents, frequent the club for lunch, and see the beach for the first time in Eleanor's life. 10 years ago I went to Florida for Spring Break. The experience was a bit different than it will be this time around. Senior year, Meg and I flew down to Pompano Beach with 3 other girls and stayed at one of their parent's condo. A few days later Joe and two of his friends drove down to meet us not sure where they would end up staying. After their lovely hotel room at the Egret Inn flooded, they crashed with us. Oh the drama. So much happened on that trip. Details and events that I will not go into. But when all was said and done, we had a blast and will forever remember being 18, on our own, partying it up Spring Break style on the beach.

Joe and I hanging out on our balcony. He was 17 and I was 18. Look at that baby face. No, I don't think our child will be Spring Breaking it. (I say crossing my fingers and saying a little prayer)
Megan, Kelly, and I in front of the place we stayed.

At one point Megan couldn't access any money from her bank account. She was left with 2 measly dollars. Of course we had to capture the moment.


meg said...

you did not post these pictures on your blog...i have a reputation to uphold! oh, good times, oh the memories...

Sara Dougherty said...

Oh, come on now. You know it could be worse. What's scary is that it doesn't seem that long ago.

*mar* said...

Meg looks pretty hot.