Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Look Back

"When You Were Born" (My Little Bird by Rouge Wave)

"My First 6 Months" (Cinnamon by The Long Winters)

Everyone tells you that the "new baby" stage goes by so fast. I never doubted that, but when it's through you can't believe it has passed. I studied every gassy smile, finger wrinkle, and fine hair on her head. I told myself I would never forget those moments when she was just about to fall asleep and looked up at me with wide eyes, laid her head on my shoulder, and took deep, restful breathes, and I sang "Under the Bridge," by the Red Hot Chili Peppers because I didn't know any lullabies yet. Sure, she still has creases in her fingers and rests her head on my shoulder, but it's different now. When they are brand new, their body is a part of yours and just folds up inside you. I didn't realize so much time had passed, until I worked on these two videos today. She's not that little squishy, wrinkly baby anymore. I love that she can play "patty-cake" with me now, giggle when the dog sneezes, and call for me if I leave the room, but for some reason, I can't stop watching these videos today.


Teach said...

How precious! I can't believe how time is flying for Macy either. I am definitely inspired to make a video like this.

*mar* said...

Sara...she's so cute. She's so well loved. You can see it in her eyes! :) Love this post...I truly love it. I'm so happy for you and Joe.