Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Packing It Away. Sniffle, Sniffle

I've started a bit of "Spring Cleaning" around here. It doesn't feel quite like spring yet, but I'm ready to get re-organized. Before the baby was born, everything had a place and was in it's place. God I miss nesting. I could tackle 5 loads of laundry, paint a bathroom, and make dinner all at once when I was 6 months pregnant. Now, it's not so easy or desirable.

However, I have started in Eleanor's closet. This is the second time I have packed up her clothes that no longer fit. Surprisingly, it's very emotional. I look at the 3-6 month clothes and remember her wearing them, who gave them to her, or picking them out at the store. I feel like I'm packing up memories. But, I haven't rifled through the 0-3 month box of clothes yet, so I know this emotional attachment shall pass as well.

It's amazing. I packed up so many clothes, yet she still has a closet full.

1 comment:

Lindqvist Family said...

I just did the same thing for Cole over the weekend. It's so sad packing up those little clothes. Wait until you go through the 0-3 stuff, you will be amazed that she ever fit into some of that stuff!